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Sex Data for Zip Code: 20011

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Population by Sex
Population by Sex Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
Male 31,540 48.25% 317,255 46.66%
Female 33,824 51.75% 362,692 53.34%
Hispanic/Latino Population by Sex
Hispanic/Latino Population by Sex Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Hispanic/Latino Population Persons % of Hispanic/Latino Population
Male 8,307 50.19% 38,324 48.20%
Female 8,245 49.81% 41,187 51.80%
White Population by Sex
White Population by Sex Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of White Population Persons % of White Population
Male 7,561 51.98% 127,858 48.73%
Female 6,985 48.02% 134,504 51.27%
Black/African American Population by Sex
Black/African American Population by Sex Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Black/African American Population Persons % of Black/African American Population
Male 14,415 45.99% 128,272 45.05%
Female 16,932 54.01% 156,449 54.95%
American Indian/Alaskan Native Population by Sex
American Indian/Alaskan Native Population by Sex Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of American Indian/Alaskan Native Population Persons % of American Indian/Alaskan Native Population
Male 308 50.74% 1,696 52.09%
Female 299 49.26% 1,560 47.91%
Asian Population by Sex
Asian Population by Sex Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Asian Population Persons % of Asian Population
Male 715 43.44% 13,504 40.90%
Female 931 56.56% 19,511 59.10%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population by Sex
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population by Sex Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population Persons % of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population
Male 8 38.10% 216 50.47%
Female 13 61.90% 212 49.53%
Some Other Race Population by Sex
Some Other Race Population by Sex Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Some Other Race Population Persons % of Some Other Race Population
Male 5,394 50.30% 18,858 49.60%
Female 5,329 49.70% 19,159 50.40%
2+ Races Population by Sex
2+ Races Population by Sex Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of 2+ Races Population Persons % of 2+ Races Population
Male 3,137 48.46% 26,851 46.18%
Female 3,337 51.54% 31,297 53.82%
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Male Population by Age Group Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Male Population Persons % of Male Population
0 - 4 2,134 6.77% 17,229 5.43%
5 - 9 2,097 6.65% 17,552 5.53%
10 - 14 1,912 6.06% 15,603 4.92%
15 - 17 956 3.03% 8,196 2.58%
18 - 20 898 2.85% 13,185 4.16%
21 - 24 1,063 3.37% 14,567 4.59%
25 - 34 5,121 16.24% 72,628 22.89%
35 - 44 5,856 18.57% 53,275 16.79%
45 - 54 3,966 12.57% 35,373 11.15%
55 - 64 3,262 10.34% 31,334 9.88%
65 - 74 2,542 8.06% 23,549 7.42%
75 - 84 1,091 3.46% 11,315 3.57%
85+ 642 2.04% 3,449 1.09%
Male Population by Age
Male Population by Age Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Male Population Persons % of Male Population
Under 18 7,099 22.51% 58,580 18.46%
18+ 24,441 77.49% 258,675 81.54%
65+ 4,275 13.55% 38,313 12.08%
85+ 642 2.04% 3,449 1.09%
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Female Population by Age Group Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Female Population Persons % of Female Population
0 - 4 2,051 6.06% 16,522 4.56%
5 - 9 1,973 5.83% 16,817 4.64%
10 - 14 1,832 5.42% 15,027 4.14%
15 - 17 913 2.70% 8,107 2.24%
18 - 20 889 2.63% 17,589 4.85%
21 - 24 1,120 3.31% 20,571 5.67%
25 - 34 5,882 17.39% 89,624 24.71%
35 - 44 5,987 17.70% 56,276 15.52%
45 - 54 3,973 11.75% 37,001 10.20%
55 - 64 3,392 10.03% 33,029 9.11%
65 - 74 3,113 9.20% 28,894 7.97%
75 - 84 1,796 5.31% 16,657 4.59%
85+ 903 2.67% 6,578 1.81%
Female Population by Age
Female Population by Age Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Female Population Persons % of Female Population
Under 18 6,769 20.01% 56,473 15.57%
18+ 27,055 79.99% 306,219 84.43%
65+ 5,812 17.18% 52,129 14.37%
85+ 903 2.67% 6,578 1.81%

Male Median Age

Zip Code: 20011


City: District of Columbia 35.0 Years

Female Median Age

Zip Code: 20011


City: District of Columbia 34.7 Years

Male Population Age 25+: Less Than High School Graduation

Zip Code: 20011

(11.46% of Male Population: Age 25+)

City: District of Columbia 17,113 Persons (7.41% of Male Population: Age 25+)

Female Population Age 25+: Less Than High School Graduation

Zip Code: 20011

(10.82% of Female Population: Age 25+)

City: District of Columbia 20,249 Persons (7.55% of Female Population: Age 25+)

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Male Population Age 25+ by Educational Attainment Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Male Population Age 25+ Persons % of Male Population Age 25+
Less than 9th Grade 1,544 6.87% 7,576 3.28%
Some High School, No Diploma 1,033 4.60% 9,537 4.13%
High School Grad 4,400 19.57% 34,101 14.77%
Some College, No Degree 3,930 17.48% 27,064 11.72%
Associate Degree 727 3.23% 7,020 3.04%
Bachelor's Degree 5,126 22.80% 60,468 26.19%
Master's Degree 3,492 15.53% 49,356 21.37%
Professional Degree 1,421 6.32% 23,876 10.34%
Doctorate Degree 807 3.59% 11,925 5.16%
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Female Population Age 25+ by Educational Attainment Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Female Population Age 25+ Persons % of Female Population Age 25+
Less than 9th Grade 1,639 6.54% 9,115 3.40%
Some High School, No Diploma 1,071 4.28% 11,134 4.15%
High School Grad 4,789 19.12% 42,192 15.74%
Some College, No Degree 4,312 17.22% 33,118 12.35%
Associate Degree 872 3.48% 8,694 3.24%
Bachelor's Degree 5,672 22.65% 66,360 24.76%
Master's Degree 4,806 19.19% 62,661 23.38%
Professional Degree 1,260 5.03% 23,838 8.89%
Doctorate Degree 625 2.50% 10,947 4.08%
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Population 16+: Unemployed by Sex Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Value Value
Male 9.42% 8.30%
Female 6.58% 7.27%
Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.