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Ethnicity Data for Zip Code: 20011

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Population by Ethnicity Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Population Persons % of Population
Hispanic/Latino 16,552 25.32% 79,511 11.69%
Non-Hispanic/Latino 48,812 74.68% 600,436 88.31%
Hispanic/Latino Population by Sex
Hispanic/Latino Population by Sex Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Hispanic/Latino Population Persons % of Hispanic/Latino Population
Male 8,307 50.19% 38,324 48.20%
Female 8,245 49.81% 41,187 51.80%
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Hispanic/Latino Population by Race Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Hispanic/Latino Population Persons % of Hispanic/Latino Population
White 1,306 7.89% 11,696 14.71%
Black/African American 527 3.18% 3,833 4.82%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 499 3.01% 1,962 2.47%
Asian 42 0.25% 362 0.46%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 9 0.05% 85 0.11%
Some Other Race 10,324 62.37% 34,344 43.19%
2+ Races 3,845 23.23% 27,229 34.25%
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Non-Hispanic/Latino by Race Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Non-Hispanic/Latino Population Persons % of Non-Hispanic/Latino Population
White 13,240 27.12% 250,666 41.75%
Black/African American 30,820 63.14% 280,888 46.78%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 108 0.22% 1,294 0.22%
Asian 1,604 3.29% 32,653 5.44%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 12 0.02% 343 0.06%
Some Other Race 399 0.82% 3,673 0.61%
2+ Races 2,629 5.39% 30,919 5.15%
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Median Household Income by Ethnicity Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Value Value
All $93,242 $98,916
Hispanic/Latino $78,614 $95,306
Non-Hispanic/Latino $96,643 $99,327
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Average Household Income by Ethnicity Zip Code: 20011 City: District of Columbia
Value Value
All $150,569 $154,790
Hispanic/Latino $133,337 $103,762
Non-Hispanic/Latino $154,318 $159,824
Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.