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Race Data for City: District of Columbia

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Population by Race City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Population
White 262,362 38.59%
Black/African American 284,721 41.87%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 3,256 0.48%
Asian 33,015 4.86%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 428 0.06%
Some Other Race 38,017 5.59%
2+ Races 58,148 8.55%
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Hispanic/Latino Population by Race City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Hispanic/Latino Population
White 11,696 14.71%
Black/African American 3,833 4.82%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 1,962 2.47%
Asian 362 0.46%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 85 0.11%
Some Other Race 34,344 43.19%
2+ Races 27,229 34.25%
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Non-Hispanic/Latino by Race City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Non-Hispanic/Latino Population
White 250,666 41.75%
Black/African American 280,888 46.78%
American Indian/Alaskan Native 1,294 0.22%
Asian 32,653 5.44%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 343 0.06%
Some Other Race 3,673 0.61%
2+ Races 30,919 5.15%
White Population by Sex
White Population by Sex City: District of Columbia
Persons % of White Population
Male 127,858 48.73%
Female 134,504 51.27%
Black/African American Population by Sex
Black/African American Population by Sex City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Black/African American Population
Male 128,272 45.05%
Female 156,449 54.95%
American Indian/Alaskan Native Population by Sex
American Indian/Alaskan Native Population by Sex City: District of Columbia
Persons % of American Indian/Alaskan Native Population
Male 1,696 52.09%
Female 1,560 47.91%
Asian Population by Sex
Asian Population by Sex City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Asian Population
Male 13,504 40.90%
Female 19,511 59.10%
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population by Sex
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population by Sex City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Population
Male 216 50.47%
Female 212 49.53%
Some Other Race Population by Sex
Some Other Race Population by Sex City: District of Columbia
Persons % of Some Other Race Population
Male 18,858 49.60%
Female 19,159 50.40%
2+ Races Population by Sex
2+ Races Population by Sex City: District of Columbia
Persons % of 2+ Races Population
Male 26,851 46.18%
Female 31,297 53.82%
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Average Household Income by Race City: District of Columbia
All $154,790
White $159,692
Black/African American $74,714
American Indian/Alaskan Native $69,454
Asian $128,832
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander $85,540
Some Other Race $87,226
2+ Races $128,149
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Median Household Income by Race City: District of Columbia
All $98,916
White $158,954
Black/African American $54,203
American Indian/Alaskan Native $43,706
Asian $118,517
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander $61,029
Some Other Race $66,651
2+ Races $111,452
Demographics information provided by Claritas, updated April 2024, under these terms of use.